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Registraton is now closed.

If you already signed up - see you there!

Who should get involved


Anyone from Centres of Excellence - Students, Postdoctoral Researchers, Chief and Associate Investigators, and Professional Staff.


People who are looking for a new opportunity and to be involved in working with industry partners on research translation. 


People who are looking for a new challenge and who want to make a difference with their research.


People who want to learn new skills and adapt their research to new areas and non-academic problems.


People who want to grow their network and search for new employment opportunities.

What do you need to register

The Better Futures Hackathon is going to be an innovative and fun event to build on your research skills, to get yourself signed up for this space limited opportunity get organised. You will need...

Supervisors Approval

Get it in writing and attach to registration form

Understand your obligations

Read the terms and declare any conflicts of interest

Get excited!

Bring your amazing knowledge and drive to make a difference

Information for Supervisors/Managers being asked to approve student or staff registration

Summary of Commitment

Your student or staff member is seeking your approval to attend an in-person 2-day hackathon event, the Better Futures Innovation Challenge, on 19-20 March at RMIT Storey Hall (Melbourne), organised by a group of five Centres of Excellence (FLEET, EQUS, OzGrav, TMOS and Exciton).


If their team’s idea is shortlisted during the event, your student/staff member will be encouraged (but not required) to spend up to one day per week for a period of six weeks following the event to develop, prototype and test their idea.


This event should be considered as valuable research collaboration, networking, professional development and skills training opportunity and part of the regular commitment and benefit of being a researcher in a Centre of Excellence.


Any questions can be directed to:

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